Many people worldwide suffer from impotence or erectile dysfunction, inability to achieve or maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse.
There are many different reasons why people suffer from erectile dysfunction, but one big embarrassing situation that can strip a man of his manhood alcohol impotence. Many alcoholics are very likely to suffer erectile dysfunction.
William Shakespeare was aware of the problem when he wrote, "Alcohol provokes the desire but takes away the performance." "Brewer's decline" is a well-known humorous term used to describe alcohol impotence, but it's not fun for those who become prurient, while under the influence only to experience frustration when they are able to fulfill their sexual desires.
Many doctors recommend a small amount of alcohol, exposed to numerous health benefits. Studies show that drinking moderate amounts of alcoholic beverages a day, especially a few glasses of red wine, will reduce your stress levels, thin the blood, and uses heart. Small amounts of alcohol help to dissipate inhibition, enhance libido and increase sex drive. Excessive alcohol consumption can have the opposite effect, destroying the sexual activity.
Some people, while under the influence of alcohol, I can not get an erection while others are able to maintain an erection, but I can not get to the point of orgasm. If alcohol is abused for an indefinite period of time, difficulty in achieving an erection may increase. Excessive consumption of alcohol abuse by men, can reduce testosterone levels, increase breast size, shrink testicles and cause impotence alcohol.
When the body is in the nervous system is affected by alcohol intake, the ability to achieve erection can be destroyed through the inability of the nervous system dilate the blood vessels in the penis. When the blood vessels wider, blood flow to the penis causing an erection.
Long-term alcohol on the nervous system can become permanently damaged. In the end, the inability to achieve erection may continue even when the sufferer is sober. Excess alcohol can lead to chronic sexual under-performance and can lead to chronic alcohol impotence.
Many people suffer from impotence alcohol benefit from drugs such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. These drugs are designed to relax the blood vessels in the penis allowing the penis to become erect. Viagra is effective in dilating blood vessels, but unlike its herbal equivalent is designed to increase libido or enhance sexual activity. Viagra lasts much longer than herbal remedies to take effect, and many users suffer side effects such as flushes, nasal congestion, nausea, headache, chest pain, and visual disturbances.
Chemical-free, the only natural way to increase blood flow to the penis, resulting in stronger and longer erections. Herbal remedies boost libido, increase semen production, eliminate impotence, increase sexual energy, stamina, endurance, virility, and vitality.
Herbal remedies benefit men, prolonging sexual activity, maintain an erection hard even after ejaculation, increase energy levels for extended activity, increasing the length and thickness of the penis for fuller penetration and enhancing sexual desire.
Natural remedies are not only effective treatment for impotence alcohol and erectile dysfunction, but for anyone who wants a more fulfilling and explosive sex life.